Partnership for Success Program

Partnership for Success Program

The GMAR and WRA jointly promote the Partnership for Success Program which is designed to promote diversity within the REALTOR® membership based on race, color and national origin to enhance the probability of long-term success in the real estate profession. The Program contributes to the diversity of our membership and to our DEI initiatives.

The Program forges a partnership between the applicant, sponsoring broker, GMAR, and WRA. Applicants must be of a minority race, color or national origin, and demonstrate a commitment to becoming successful real estate licensees. The sponsoring broker provides a mentor and in-house training for the recipient to optimize the success of the new licensee. Ideally, the applicant would be a new licensee who has not had a license for more than six months and who is aspiring to become a full-time agent in Wisconsin.

The Program is intended to provide startup assistance to applicants who have not previously held a real estate license. Currently a Partnership for Success award recipient receives one year of REALTOR® dues. The GMAR and WRA waive their initiation fees and local and state dues, and the WRA pays the NAR portion. The WRA will also pay six months of MLS fees.  

Recently, the Program benefits for successful recipients have changed in exciting new ways! The Program will continue to provide one year of REALTOR® dues and six months of MLS fees as before. But rather than cover education expenses and miscellaneous fees as the Program has done for many years, the recipient instead may be eligible for a second year of REALTOR® dues if the recipient meets certain requirements. If the award recipient submits to the WRA, no later than November 1 of their first year, (1) a certificate of their completion of Fairhaven and (2) a written statement from their broker confirming they have either attended the WRA Convention or completed an education course through the WRA (other than Continuing Education), then the award recipient can receive a second year of REALTOR® dues. Under the new Program the recipient is not required to repay any benefits.